What Are the Effects of Stress on Your Mental Health?

We encounter stressful situations every day: financial pressures, workplace stress, relationship struggles, the list goes on. Whatever the cause, stress can change our brain chemistry, affecting our moods, actions, and behavior. A mental health professional can help you find constructive ways to relieve stress. Consider some of the ways stress can impact your mental health, and how to seek mental health treatment if the stressors in your life are too much for you to handle alone.

Cognitive Problems Caused by Stress

Stress can alter the nervous system, causing changes in the parts of the brain responsible for memory, attentiveness, and problem-solving. Someone who is under chronic stress may have difficulty concentrating and learning new information. People trying to cope with an onslaught of stress may also struggle with confusion and indecisiveness. The effects of stress on our ability to think and interact with others isn’t meant to be taken lightly, which is why proper stress management is so important.

Changes in Mood and Personality

If you don’t find effective ways to relieve stress, it can lead to changes in mood and personality. If you or someone you know is under frequent stress or has experienced a traumatic event, you may notice personality changes, such as:

  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Lack of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Decreased productivity at school or work
  • Irritability, anger, and sometimes even aggression
  • Loss of interest in appearance and self-care
  • Difficulty communicating

Stress Can Cause Anxiety Disorders to Form

Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health disorders diagnosed in our fast-paced, high-stress culture. Anxiety symptoms can range from mild to severe. At its height, anxiety can leave an affected individual with sweaty palms, nausea, a racing heartbeat, and feelings of helplessness. People may be suffering from anxiety if their feelings of dread make it difficult for them to function or cause them to avoid situations that may serve as triggers.

Depression Symptoms Brought on by Stress

Stress can activate the release of hormones that are intended to have a calming effect. In high amounts, however, these chemicals can lead to lower energy levels and depression. You may be suffering from depression if you experience sleep problems, changes in eating and appetite, and feelings of worthlessness, self-loathing, guilt, and hopelessness. Be sure to seek professional help right away if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Customized Mental Health Treatment

If you’re dealing with difficulties in your personal life, or are struggling with managing stress at work, Lake Behavioral Hospital can help. Our customized approach guides patients in finding effective ways to relieve stress so it doesn’t become debilitating. Contact us to learn more about our mental health services or to schedule an evaluation.